Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome to the Wall of Heroes!

Welcome to the Wall of Heroes! Below are all the fine readers of the Time Hound Times and all proud players of Super Hero Squad Online!

Thanks readers!

Uber Maelstrom Roamer:

Count Plains Librarian:

Volcanic Artist Hawk:

Night Commander Guard:

Phantom Egret Tiger:

Apocalypse Kraken Fish:

(p.s. click on this one and take a look at his squad level O.O)
Crumpled Rabbit:


Let me know if you'd like to be added to the wall. :)

Happy dueling!


  1. Thanks for the shout out for the Count Plains Librarian! It was tough to pick a favorite. I just LOVE being Wasp and get a kick out of my Hulks and She-Hulk (love those sky-high jumps!), but you can't beat a telepath using her power to command pigeons to bring her coffee. :)

  2. Wow Thats A Amazing Squad Level Apocalypse Kraken Fish!...2 Thumbs Up On That :)

  3. I would like to go in there!
    my squad level is 105 and I have 9 Heroes:
    Cyclops,Falcon,Thing,Ms.Marvel,Streets Clothes Wolverine,Stealth Armor Iron Man,Jean Grey,
    Bucky Cap,Daredevil, I gotta go to that wall!

    1. Awesome! has all the details. :)

  4. I would like to receive or thor avengers who want to help, but there are only 400 gold if you add an email asking for help going grocery alamassan
